
Black Scottie Chai

About Us

Bill and Beverly Jahn are the founders of Black Scottie Chai. They are a personal and professional team bursting with creativity and a strong sense of faith that guides their life journey. In the beginning Bill had a passion for gourmet frozen soft serve and beverage products. Divinely gifted with a discerning palate he began producing a line of high-end smoothie mixes embracing real fruit purees under the brand name Granelli Ice in the early 90’s. As the company grew Beverly’s obsession for design and old world imagery and her love of Scottish terriers shaped what the brand is today.

Her love of Scottish terrier’s started as a child and she dreamed of having one of her own. That dream was fulfilled in 1997 when the whole family went out and picked a little black female Scottish Terrier and named her Mandy Rose of Cuillin Spires. She was cut from a tartan cloth, strong willed, stubborn and adorable. Mandy loved digging for rocks, burying garden tools and running with Bill and Beverly’s three sons Justin, Matthew and Tyler. Our hearts were broken when Mandy passed away in January of 2011. After almost two years of Mandys place remaining vacant Beverly decided it was time to look for a new Scottie. Already having a name picked out Beverly, Bill and Tyler went to view a litter of pups, one curious little pup ran up and untied Beverly’s shoe. At that moment Basil had found her.

Basil became the reigning mascot over Black Scottie Chai. He was cut from a royal cloth, beautiful loving and full of joy. Basil was everyone’s friend, he loved life and spread that joy to all who met him. He was gold. What a wonderful journey it was with Basil, and with great joy came great sorrow. We lost him to cancer on January 31st, 2020. Though Basil passed away before his time his spirit lives on through Black Scottie Chai, spreading joy to many with every smile we put on people’s faces from the products we make. 

In 2017 Bill and Beverly’s son Tyler stepped onto the scene to help spread that joy. A natural at sales he set out to get people to taste Black Scottie Chai across the country. Knowing that if he could get them to taste it they would love it. That rather simple plan worked and Black Scottie Chai has not looked back.

Our company has gone through a few changes over the years from a provider of smoothie mixes to now making the best chai on the market today. But one thing has never changed regardless if we have, and that is our unrelenting pursuit to give you the highest quality products we can make, using the best ingredients to give you something we are truly proud of.


This poem was written in honor of Lord Basil and to preserve his spirit.

Cut from a royal cloth you were
To mend a broken heart
I did not think it possible
But when you came
My smiles were unstoppable

I always knew you were a gift
With all the joy you brought
You kept the laughter flowing
And danced around a lot

You were my loyal companion
To so many places
Bringing smiles
To frowning faces

Your regalness would dazzle
When we took a walk
For there goes Lord Basil
With his royal little trot

I sit upon the porch today
With the sun upon my face
Your Royal spot is empty
But your presence is always in this place

How I long to hold you
Or take another walk
So, you could spot a squirrel
Or stick your nose under a rock

You were our chosen Mascot
To reign over our brand
The Royal Scot Lord Basil
Will forever stand

 – Poem Written by Beverly Jahn


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